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Gallery 8 Saltspring Island


Monday - Saturday 10am to 5pm
Sundays & Holidays 11am to 4pm

EJ Feller

EJ Feller’s interest in collecting contemporary pottery led her to work in clay. Living overseas for many years, she came to appreciate the link between an artist’s work and their sense of place. Feller now lives on Salt Spring Island where she makes pots that reflect the grays and blues of the Pacific Northwest.

Her work has also been influenced by the burnished pottery of Siddig El’nigoumi, Feller’s former teacher in England, and the country potters of India, where she lived for two years prior to moving to Salt Spring.

Smoke firing is both primitive in approach and sophisticated in design. Smoke resist techniques combined with burnishing and hand decorating impart unique characteristics to every piece. The smoky atmosphere, in which the clay absorbs the carbon in patterns that wrap the surface of the pot, produces a harmony between design and form.

Feller’s work is found in collections around the world.

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